businesses that offer Decorators services in Cambridgeshire

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  M Geraghty Painters and Decorators

Friday 24th May 2019

M.Geraghty Professional painters and decorators in Cambridgeshire,UK M Geraghty is a professional Interior and Exterior painter and decorator in Cambridge for residential and commercial properties in Cambridge & Cambridgeshire. We are a family run painting and decorating business with a strong reputation for quality workmanship, delivered in a professional manner, on time and at a fair price. We offer the complete painting and decorating service including female painters

  Painting And Decorating Services uk

Friday 1st July 2016

For all of your interior and exterior decorating needs, we have over 20 years experience in the industry, completing contracts on both residential and business properties throughout the uk,Ireland and Norway, We are a complete service provider offering, internal and external painting,using a range of materials we also utilize the american system of taping and sparkling new plasterboard walls. Painting and decorating services uk also apply wallcoverings, traditional papers and

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