This business is listed in the other-trade-services section of our website
- 07548347594
- west-yorkshire
- Leeds
- Other Pages: Projector Installations - Sound System Installation - Audio Visual Installation
- Definition Audio Visual is a professional Audio Visual Installation company that provides Sound System Installations, Video Conferencing Installations, Acoustic Panel Installations, Projector Installations, Digital Signage Solutions, Hearing Loop Installs and Commercial Music Systems into Properties and Businesses.
We provide a complete AV installation service from start to finish on all our projects. From a background music system or public address system installation to a projector and screen installation so we cover all aspects of an AV installation solution. Our audio visual installations have ranged from audio visual systems installed into restaurants, sports halls, bars, boardrooms, hotels, schools, factories, call centres, wedding venues, gyms and village halls.
- Also Listed In:
other-trade-services in Leeds
west-yorkshire Business Directory
Leeds Business Directory
other-trade-services in west-yorkshire
other-trade-services Directory
- This business listed their business in these categories:
Projector Installation Company
Sound System Company
AV Installation Company
Audio Visual Installers
Audio Visual Company

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