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Latest businesses added to this page

  Callaways Estate Agents

Monday 16th January 2023

An expert team of estate agents in Brighton, Hove and Sussex specialising in sales and lettings since 1935. Visit the website today to find your perfect property.


  Pagel France

Sunday 15th January 2017

Pagel is a magical place in the Lot region of south western France, where families get to spend time together and create memories that will last a lifetime. At Pagel, the aim is to simply have fun and lots of laughter; all in a child friendly holiday site where the needs of both the kids and adults have been given full thought.


  Atkinsons Chartered Accountants

Thursday 7th July 2016

Atkinsons Chartered Accountants Is a family of professional accountants who have demonstrated care and commitment to all of their clients since opening the business 60 years ago. They specialise in cloud-based accountancy solutions which they use to help their clients to streamline their businesses and accounting practices. From payroll to tax returns, audits to bookkeeping, there is no accounting need to small for Atkinsons to handle.


  James House HR

Wednesday 8th June 2016

James House HR provides small and medium sized businesses with professional assistance in managing their employees, offering simple and effective solutions where possible. Services provided include Ad-hoc Consultancy, Training, Retained Agreements and more. James House HR Ltd also offers a confidential, no-obligation "HR Health-check" service to interested employers.


  Apple Clean

Thursday 17th March 2016

Offering professional carpet, curtain and upholstery cleaning services to domestic and commercial clients in the South Downs, Apple Clean combine a passion for cleaning with over 25 years� experience in the field. Apple Clean provide a number of services, including daily contract cleaning, rug cleaning, scotch guard and stain removal as well as giving professional advice to clients where needed.


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accountants human-resources property-cleaning property-services travel