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  Roofer Lancaster

Thursday 6th May 2021

Roofer Lancaster is a professional roofing service covering Lancaster and the surrounding area. We repair and replace pitched roofs, flat roofs, fascias and soffits, and guttering and can provide a gutter cleaning service. We also install Velux windows and sun tunnels.


  Spring Clean Lancaster

Thursday 19th May 2016

Cleaning means different things to different people and different organisations. Common to all, however, is the need for clean and inviting internal surroundings that provide a healthy and effective working environment. Our approach is based on processes, methods, and skilled employees. This is how we ensure that the customer receives a detailed, professional, and consistent level of quality in the services delivered. What we do In collaboration with the customer we work


  Orrion Ltd

Monday 9th March 2015

The areas leading Asbestos Consultancy. We provide the following services: Asbestos Management Surveys, Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys, Asbestos Sampling & Analysis, Full or Partial Asbestos Management. We provide our services to: Schools, Large Manufacturing Companies, Small Businesses, Architects, Surveyors, Housing Associations and Homeowners.


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asbestos-consultants business-cleaning roofing