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  Window SOS

Thursday 29th April 2021

Got condensation in your double glazing? Window SOS operate in Tamworth and the surrounding areas specialising in misted window replacement, swapping your fogged up double glazing to upgraded 'A' rated energy efficient glass. If you're suffering from a blown double glazing unit, we believe you'll only need to change the glass, rather than the entire unit. This would be much more cost effective and still ensures you replace your window seal


  Train Learn Go Tamworh Ltd

Tuesday 8th December 2015

We are Tamworths number one mobile personal training and nutritional consultancy. We specialise in creating tailored plans for you to help you lose weight, gain muscle, improve sports performance and more. We work on a strictly one-to-one basis and in the comfort of your own home.


  IMAT Ltd

Monday 19th October 2015

Here at IMAT we specialise in the design and manufacture of Jigs and Fixtures for the electronics assembly industry. We also have expertise in the sub-contract manufacture of Machined Components for a range of engineering applications. Examples of our services include insulation machining, working with insulating materials for power generation, food and electronics industry. We have a team of highly skilled engineers who work with most types of materials including ferrous &


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