On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Clinics Services in Ayr.

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  Menopause Health Matters

Wednesday 17th May 2023

Menopause Health Matters is a private Menopause clinic, the first of its kind in Ayrshire, Scotland. Our mission is to provide specialised help for Menopause-related health concerns. Women across Scotland will each be affected by Menopause in varying degrees, and we want to be there to support them through the experience. We offer services such as diagnostic blood tests for Menopause and private appointments for a Mirena Coil fitting. Additionally,


  Sunlight Holistic Therapies

Wednesday 23rd December 2020

We are a dedicated team of experienced, complimentary therapists who consult at our therapy clinic in Ayr. We provide a highly professional and supportive service in a friendly and comfortable environment, where you’ll feel relaxed and confident at all times. We also provide a range of group therapy sessions, at locations throughout the UK.


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