businesses that offer Wedding Photographer services in Kent

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  Moment Photography Limited

Thursday 3rd September 2020

Would you prefer to spend your time with your guests rather than hours with a photographer getting generic posed photos? Do you cringe at the thought of getting told to “smile at the camera”, uncomfortably standing in choreographed group shots? Do you want natural ‘guest view’ images and to free up a lot of your precious time to enjoy your own day? Would you prefer a wedding storyteller to a photographer? My unique wedding

  Matt Ebbage Photography

Wednesday 27th February 2019

Hi, I'm Matt...and I have the best job in the world! I started shooting weddings in 2010 and I love having the opportunity and creative freedom to tell a wedding day story through emotion. I know it sounds super-cheesy, but I do see my job as being a storyteller and I really enjoy capturing a collection of images that really reflect my couples' personality. In my view, a wedding day

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