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  The Live Piano Experience

Wednesday 27th February 2019

If you are planning and amazing wedding day you need to have the perfect music. Music creates the soundtrack to the perfect day. Our players are experts in choosing the right music to make your day extra special. Walk down the aisle to that perfect piece of music. Many Brides see their wedding in their imagination since being little girls, but afterwards they tell us it was


  Guitar Lessons Bolton

Tuesday 13th February 2018

Rob Ainscough is a professional, full-time mobile guitar teacher who's been providing guitar lessons in Bolton for over 25 years. Teaching students, both children and adults, in their own home, Rob helps students to develop their guitar playing skills, whether it's learning power chords or mastering sweeping arpeggios and fingerpicking. No matter if you're a beginner or an experienced guitarist, Rob can take your guitar playing to the next level.


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