businesses that offer Kitchen Fitters services in West Midlands

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  Renew Kitchen Doors

Saturday 7th May 2016

Renew Kitchen Doors are a longstanding family business with a strong customer service ethos and a passion for regenerating homes. You can be sure that a kitchen door replacement from us will be good quality and with our expert fitting, will provide a stylish and effective cheap kitchen for years to come. Did you know you can completely transform your kitchen for a fraction of the cost, just by keeping

  ikitchens & Renovations LTD

Friday 6th March 2015

At ikitchens and Renovations we have been manufacturing made to measure rigid fitted kitchens for the past 10 years. Working in conjunction with Service 2000, we have now started servicing end consumers in and out the west midlands. Our team of experienced expert designers are very easy to talk to so if you need a quick quote please call 0121 285 9285.

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