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  Wellcome Back Chiropractic Clinic

Friday 14th June 2024

Wellcome Back Chiropractic Clinic in Stroud provides McTimoney Chiropractic, which is a gentle and effective form of chiropractic that uses low force, high velocity adjustments on the spine and joints that feel light and comfortable to receive. Rebecca Johnson assesses the body as a whole and designs each patient a program of treatment of manipulation, soft tissue work, movement advice and yoga technique to help you to achieve a long term


  Mhewitson Chiropractor

Thursday 9th November 2023

My aim is to promote health and wellbeing through a holistic approach to care I treat patients from all backgrounds of life, all over Surrey. From children to the elderly, athlete to office workers! My specialised services include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and functional rehabilitation, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.


  Elms Chiropractic

Wednesday 4th August 2021

At Elms Chiropractic our goal is to get you moving freely without pain and to optimise your function. We are here to chiropractic services to people in Caterham and the wider area including Purley, Coulsdon, Croydon, and Surrey. Whether your goal is to be pain free, get through your working day, improve your posture, optimise sports performance, or simply be the best version of yourself. Our Chiropractors are here to


  Doctor Arthritis

Tuesday 10th January 2017

Arthritis doctors such as the ones who founded Doctor Arthritis are recommending patients the use of arthritis compression gloves and arthritis compression sleeves for a better lifestyle. The copper infused compression gloves and copper infused compression sleeves developed by Doctor Arthritis are helping patients around the globe improve their health. The arthritis gloves and sleeves add the right amount of pressure to the ill area in order to relieve the


  Edward Russell Health Care Limited

Monday 8th August 2016

A registered nurse who has specialised as a foot health practitioner For the professional treatment of corns,Ingrowing toe nails , verrucas, athletes foot, fungal Infections, thick toe nails, nail cutting,Callus/ cracked Heels Diabetic foot checks and specialist wound care


  Bradford House Chiropractic Clinic

Tuesday 10th March 2015

Bradford House Chiropractic Clinic are Chiropractors located at St Clements Surgery, Tanner Street, Winchester. Bradford House Chiropractic Clinic can be contacted on 01962 861188.


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