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  Perry Testing Ltd

Tuesday 21st November 2023

Perry Testing is a leading provider of comprehensive structural investigation and construction materials analysis services for the construction and engineering industries. Our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers is committed to ensuring your project meets the necessary safety standards. We offer a range of services, including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) scanning, Ferro scanning, incremental plate load testing, concrete testing, and advisory services. We also specialise in testing existing concrete



Wednesday 20th January 2016

A civil engineering contractor operating across the Southeast, Maltaward offers highways and drainage works, including winter gritting, as well as a wide range of temporary security measures such as concrete barriers, plastic barriers, steel and closeboard fencing, gates and windows. Our clients include schools and colleges, district and county councils, airports and large private corporations. We can help with roadside protection, traveller eviction, carpark landscaping, forklift hire and many other


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