On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Commercial Cleaning Services or have listed their business in the Commercial Cleaning category.

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Latest businesses added to this page

  Sonnic Cleaning Services

Tuesday 27th February 2024

Sonnic Cleaning is a well-stablished contract cleaning company offering a range of commercial cleaning and office cleaning services across London for businesses of all sizes


  Simplicity Services

Thursday 25th August 2022

Simplicity Services London Ltd is a Cleaning & Maintenance company offering a wide range of cleaning and maintenance services to the public and private business sectors. With our valuable experience in the contract cleaning industry, we approach are clients with a bespoke service tailor made for their needs. With years of experience Simplicity Services has been offering professional customer focused access to all its clients. Areas: London Bridge, Holborn, Chancery Lane,


  Coastal Cleaning

Sunday 22nd May 2022

Coastal Cleaning delivers professional, commercial cleaning and domestic cleaning services for businesses and homeowners in Pembrokeshire and South West Wales.


  DCS Multiserve

Tuesday 24th October 2017

Professional cleaning, catering services and facilities managent


  Clean Slate Limited

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Cleaning with a difference. We offer 500% refund guaranteed if we fail on our promises. No other cleaning can offer these guarantees Clean Slate offers a unique approach to cleaning. We strongly believe our customers should be in control of their own cleaning service. We GUARANTEE we will never miss a clean or allow the standards to drop below those on the day we quoted otherwise you will receive a week of


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