On this page you can view Buinesses that offer Education Services in Wigan.

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  Ash Tutors

Wednesday 14th November 2018

If you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of private tutors on the net, then my Private Tutor service could be just what you need. My name is Geoff Ashton and I own and run Ash Tutors (est. 9 years), based on the convergence of Wigan, Warrington and St.Helens. I'm a primary school teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience, and I take the uncertainty out of finding the best


  Ash Tutors

Saturday 10th December 2016

Ash Tutors is a unique private tuition provider operating in and around the towns of Wigan, Warrington and St. Helens. With over 20 years' experience in education, we provide a fully comprehensive private '1 to 1' tuition service for all school ages up to, and including adults. We have experienced English tutors, maths tutors, science tutors, adult literacy and numeracy tutors, languages tutors, music tutors I.T. and more. Children studying for


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