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Latest Business Coaching businesses added

  Gilles Baudet

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Gilles Baudet, based in Glasgow, United Kingdom, is a serial entrepreneur but best known for being the CEO of his main business established in 2012, The Interactive Team, which is a leading national direct sales organisation. Gilles is widely regarded as a successful businessman, venture capitalist, philanthropist and a dedicated husband and father. Gilles offers business consultancy and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to embark upon business ownership


  Robin Waite - Business Coach

Tuesday 25th October 2022

What does a business coach & mentor look like to you? Slick, sharp suited, maybe a little flash? That’s not my style. I believe that what you say is more important than how you dress – and I’m more interested in delivering real results than impressing you with my image. My coaching approach is different. I combine creativity with logical, analytical and objective thinking to help you see your business in a fresh


  Help Me Grow

Thursday 23rd December 2021

We help small business owners grow their businesses through targeted business coaching and marketing support. From our business coaching and marketing mentoring programme - The Entrepreneurs Sales and Marketing System, to one off projects we help business owners understand the modern world of marketing and put it into action in your business. We help you get found on Google, to grow your mailing lists, improve website conversions, boost social media audiences, learn


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